Quba 1.4.2

Version 1.4.1 yesterday had a regression (#82 Drag&Drop does not work) and a race condition (#54 print only prints first page) which has now been corrected, addtionally to #83 NaN…

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Quba 1.4.1

Today, on Wednesday October 30th, 2024, we released version 1.4.1 of our open-source e-invoice viewer, Quba. This release works also on intel macs (#23). Additionally, the language is now set…

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Quba QA

On September 4th we will conduct a public, free-of-charge, 60min online QA sessions regarding our open-source e-invoicing viewer Quba (further sessions on September 5th, 6th and 9th regarding Mustang, Mustangserver…

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